Beaudesert Community Kindergarten

Timber bridge connecting to stage
Tree house with bridge to stage

Beaudesert Community Kindy

Beaudesert, Queensland

We enjoyed out visit to Beaudesert Kindy as we tried out our new measuring devise to capture the exact footprint of the play space with a technological tool that sent accurate measurements back to our office. 

The kindy were keen to have a a new playground that would not only challenge the children but allow the playground to be altered throughout the year.  So we designed a fort with interchangeable activities that they will be able to swap and change to add variety to the play space.

They were also excited when we said we could upgrade their stage and link it to the tree house with a timber bridge.  Some of the play area needed some retaining, so we designed a retaining wall of timber hoppers that also acts as a balancing activity.

  • Timber tree house
  • Interchangeable activities
  • Stage

Activities included:

  • Tree house
  • Stage
  • Timber bridge
  • Net climb
  • ‘Bakery’
  • Slide
  • Rock wall
  • Timber hoppers
  • Interchangeable plank bridge
  • Interchangeable monkey bars
  • Interchangeable vine bridge
  • Interchangeable hand rails
  • Net bridge
  • Timber hoppers
Tree house in a country setting
Timber hoppers

Bespoke elements custom built for this playground

Fire pole
Interchangeable monkey bars
Interchangeable plank bridge with hand rails
Net bridge
Net climb
Beaudesert Bakery
Timber hoppers