Majestic Park

Castle theme
Resident dragon

Majestic Park

Coorparoo, Queensland

The Brisbane City Council asked us to design a themed playground at Majestic Park.  The council were aware how much the dragon in the existing playground meant to the community, and therefore we wanted to build on this theme by designing a Castle with a resident Dragon.  We asked local schoolboy, Charlie Hadwen to write a short story to bring  the playground to life which we are proud to publish below.


Razor Wing’s Castle of Magical Wonders

A long, long time ago this castle was home to a dragon called Razor Wing. He had the soul of a god, a god who was devoted to protecting the castle that belonged to his family. He spent years protecting it from people who wanted the magical treasure that he possessed. Legend has it that even today he protects it from unworthy people who dare seek his legendary powers.

This castle is a place of magical wonders. It is said that if you complete the obstacles within the castle, walk upon Razor Wing’s scaly back and tap both of his heads, you will unlock the true magical treasures of the castle. When entering the castle, you must make sure that you have a sword at hand ready to fend off any dangers that come upon you. But beware… it has been said that the ghost of Razor Wing is still around and you may feel the heat from Razor Wing’s mouth of blazing fire. At night, they say you can still hear his mighty ferocious roar.

Good luck young adventurers.

This wonderful story was written exclusively for Bespoke Playgrounds by creative writer, Charlie Hadwen, Age 12

Activities included:

  • Castle theme play unit
  • Net bridge
  • Net climb
  • Slides
  • Double swing
  • A resident dragon!
  • Dragon eggs
  • Activity panels
  • Art panels
  • Stepping bridge
  • Tunnel
  • Rock wall
  • Peep hole panels
  • Commando net
  • Balance board
  • Pommel Traverse
  • Spiral climber
  • Rubber domes
  • Wet pour rubber
  • Soft fall
Swing set
Dragon eggs in a nest

Bespoke elements custom built for this playground

Balance Board Surf Board
Crowns and Castle TicTac Toe
Dragon poem and dragons nest
Frog Prince Rocker
Timber signs
Rubber mounds
Interactive Play
Knight Peep Hole Panel
Merlin's Spell Shop
Net climb
Princess Peep Panel
Spiral pole
Stepping bridge
The Frog Prince
Three in a Row Activity Panel
Treasure Island Activity Panel
U net bridge