Extra Items Required
You will also require the following items for this interchangeable:
– Loop Support Frame
– 2 x Support Bar Rails
Support Bar Rail
Loop Support Bar
You will also require the following items for this interchangeable:
– Loop Support Frame
– 2 x Support Bar Rails
Support Bar Rail
Loop Support Bar
Like all interchangeable activities, and Interchangeable Rope Bridge is easy to add to your playground. Children use their balance and co-ordination to cross from one deck to another.
An Interchangeable Spider Climb is a challenging way to cross from one deck to another. Young children will gain new confidence traversing at a lower height level while children who are older or who have grown in confidence will be able to traverse at a higher level.
You can choose either chain and hose or Corocord.
Interchangeable Hand Rails help children balance across a variety of activities such as a plank bridge and fidget bridge. They may also be used as High-Low ropes which allows children to traverse across from one deck to another.
May choose from either chain and hose or rope.
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