Extra Items Required
You will also require the following items for this interchangeable:
– Loop Support Frame
– 2 x Support Bar Rails

You will also require the following items for this interchangeable:
– Loop Support Frame
– 2 x Support Bar Rails
Post chain connectors are used to connect certain interchangeable activities to the posts. Post chain connectors are required for items like the V net bridge, cargo net bridge, hand rails, high low ropes, V ship’s net bridge and a U bridge.
A loop frame support is used to attach some interchangeable activities to. Interchangeable activities that require the loop frame support include the spider climb, vine climb, commando net climb, pommel traverse, swing traverse and tyre traverse.
2 support bar rails are also required.
Support Bar Rails are used to connect interchangeable activities to a loop support frame. A loop support frame is used to attach an interchangeable spider climb, vine climb, commando net climb, pommel traverse, swing traverse or a tyre traverse.
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