Bush Kitchen

Bush Kitchen

If you have a mud patch, why not add a mud kitchen. Magic happens in a mud kitchen.

Mud Kitchens:

  • create social role play
  • encourage creativity
  • are super fun

What are some of the benefits of having a mud kitchen?

Mud kitchens are a great learning feature that promotes all types of learning including sensory, creative and exploratory play. Children learn to take turns, problem solve with others and develop their language skills whilst explaining what they are making.  It also helps them with physical skills such as learning to stir, mix, carry and pour water. Use fine motor skills such as holding tongs, forks and spoons.  Children also learn to count, measure water in cups and weigh materials.  Mud kitchens may be a little messy but they are full of magic.


Timber Bridge

A timber bridge can be used to cross creeks and rocks. We can design the height to suit the age of the children using the play space.

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Deco Pathway

A deco pathway is a great alternative to using concrete, especially in nature play area. It looks good and gives access to a nature play area whilst complementing the space.

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Water Course

Water courses are a wonderful addition to any nature play area. Outdoor spaces for children is less about looking at trees and plants, but rather it includes natural features such as sand, soil, mud, grass, rocks and water. Children must be able to actively explore and experience different types of natural environments. It’s about allowing children to touch and play with the natural environment in their everyday play. And yes, that sometimes means getting wet and dirty.

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