Tyre Steppers
Introduce some tyre steppers into your play area. They are durable, sturdy and a fun way to traverse across a playground. They help develop gross motor skill encouraging children to balance and use their co-ordination.
Introduce some tyre steppers into your play area. They are durable, sturdy and a fun way to traverse across a playground. They help develop gross motor skill encouraging children to balance and use their co-ordination.
A spidergon is a great addition to a nature play area. Ironbark logs are secured into the ground and the spidergon attached making it ideal for climbing. The spidergon comes in a variety of colours and can be connected to log walks and timber hoppers.
If you have a mud patch, why not add a mud kitchen. Magic happens in a mud kitchen.
Mud Kitchens:
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QBCC Licence Number: 1284297