Mud Kitchen

If you have a mud patch, why not add a mud kitchen. Magic happens in a mud kitchen.

Mud Kitchens:

  • create social role play
  • encourage creativity
  • are super fun

What are some of the benefits of having a mud kitchen?

Mud kitchens are a great learning feature that promotes all types of learning including sensory, creative and exploratory play. Children learn to take turns, problem solve with others and develop their language skills whilst explaining what they are making.  It also helps them with physical skills such as learning to stir, mix, carry and pour water. Use fine motor skills such as holding tongs, forks and spoons.  Children also learn to count, measure water in cups and weigh materials.  Mud kitchens may be a little messy but they are full of magic.


Tyre Steppers

Introduce some tyre steppers into your play area. They are durable, sturdy and a fun way to traverse across a playground. They help develop gross motor skill encouraging children to balance and use their co-ordination.

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A spidergon is a great addition to a nature play area. Ironbark logs are secured into the ground and the spidergon attached making it ideal for climbing. The spidergon comes in a variety of colours and can be connected to log walks and timber hoppers.

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Log Walk

We use ironbark fallen logs to create an attractive log walk to blend into the natural setting. With beautiful logs secured into the ground and more logs attached it is a wonderful activity to add to your nature play area. The ironbark logs are sanded down, secured and painted to bring out the natural colour of the wood.

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