Tree Seating

There is nothing better in Queensland than to sit under a shaded tree. If you have trees around your play space, why not surround the tree with seating, the tree gives natural shade, gives a great place to rest and chat and caregivers will see it as a welcome addition.


Log Walk

We use ironbark fallen logs to create an attractive log walk to blend into the natural setting. With beautiful logs secured into the ground and more logs attached it is a wonderful activity to add to your nature play area. The ironbark logs are sanded down, secured and painted to bring out the natural colour of the wood.

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Mud Patch

A mud patch is a great way to connect with nature. Playing with mud is also a joyous experience and one that children can not resist. Since the dawn of time children have loved playing in mud!

Despite this, the fact remains that nature play inspires learning and socialising. Outdoor play and immersion in nature are essential to the health and wellbeing of children, helping them to develop to their full potential.
The University of Western Australia has identified that nature play also has an important role in combating the increasing rates of childhood obesity, depression, behavioural disorders and the risk-averse culture that is developing in children, all of which have been linked to the rise in indoor screen-based activities.
Children who play outdoors are also more resistant to stress and have higher self-worth.

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Timber Stepping Hoppers

Made from Ironbark timber, stepping hoppers are a fun way to cross a playground. The can be placed at various heights to make things more challenging. The activity helps to promote balance and can help build confidence as a child learns to master this activity.

Timber steeping hoppers are inviting and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Children will also use these hoppers to sit on, eat lunch and for somewhere to sit and chat with their friends.

Timber stepping hoppers:

  • build balance and co-ordination
  • can connect to activities within a playground
  • can be of various heights
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