Water Course

Water courses are a wonderful addition to any nature play area. Outdoor spaces for children is less about looking at trees and plants, but rather it includes natural features such as sand, soil, mud, grass, rocks and water. Children must be able to actively explore and experience different types of natural environments. It’s about allowing children to touch and play with the natural environment in their everyday play. And yes, that sometimes means getting wet and dirty.

Water courses

If you have access to water, a pump may be placed at one end connected to the water source.  Bespoke Playgrounds can supply and install the pump and create a beautiful rocky stream to either a drain or a sandpit.


Mud Patch

A mud patch is a great way to connect with nature. Playing with mud is also a joyous experience and one that children can not resist. Since the dawn of time children have loved playing in mud!

Despite this, the fact remains that nature play inspires learning and socialising. Outdoor play and immersion in nature are essential to the health and wellbeing of children, helping them to develop to their full potential.
The University of Western Australia has identified that nature play also has an important role in combating the increasing rates of childhood obesity, depression, behavioural disorders and the risk-averse culture that is developing in children, all of which have been linked to the rise in indoor screen-based activities.
Children who play outdoors are also more resistant to stress and have higher self-worth.

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Timber Stepping Hoppers

Made from Ironbark timber, stepping hoppers are a fun way to cross a playground. The can be placed at various heights to make things more challenging. The activity helps to promote balance and can help build confidence as a child learns to master this activity.

Timber steeping hoppers are inviting and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Children will also use these hoppers to sit on, eat lunch and for somewhere to sit and chat with their friends.

Timber stepping hoppers:

  • build balance and co-ordination
  • can connect to activities within a playground
  • can be of various heights
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Ironbark Fallen Logs

Ironbark is a premium native Australian hardwood. Known for it’s durability it is used in a variety of applications such as house framing & timber flooring .

Bespoke Playgrounds sources, prepares, treats and installs Ironbark Fallen Logs into nature inspired playgrounds. They can be used to access a playground or connect activities.

Ironbark Fallen Logs can help:

  • develop co-ordination and balance
  • challenge children to remain on the log and build confidence
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