Bright Future Early Education Centre

Bright Future Early Education Centre

Park Ridge, Queensland

It was exciting to be asked by a brand new centre if we would help design their three playgrounds.  We had fruitful discussions along the way that allowed us to make the most of each play space.   The senior and junior play spaces have large timber play units with interchangeable activities, shop front, water play and teepees. 

The toddler space has its very own sand pit, timber play unit with a little slide and bridge. 

We brought their vision to life with sensory pathways, timber bridges, stepping logs, timber hoppers, a sensory pathway, tunnels, fire poles and rock walls. We utilised our CNC router to custom make activity panels and signs to complement their play area

  • Timber play unit
  • Water pump, water creeks and sandpits
  • Activity panels
  • Synthetic Grass

Activities included:

  • Nature play
  • Timber play units
  • Timber bridges
  • Water play
  • Sand pits
  • Tunnel
  • Slides
  • Timber log hoppers
  • Stone hoppers
  • Shop fonts
  • Net climb
  • U net bridge
  • Rock walls
  • Interchangeable activities
Senior Playground
Junior Playground

Bespoke elements custom built for this playground

Activity Panels
Crawl through timber panel
Flower Activity Panel
Interchangeable plank bridge
Internal ladder
Sensory path
Junior play unit
Timber bridge
U net bridge
Nature play
Net climb
Senior play space
Senior play unit
Timber hoppers and logs
Rock wall
Sand pit and timber water course
Synthetic grass
Teepee play
Timber bridge
Timber play space
Timber water course
Turn bar
Toddler play unit
Water creek & pump
Sandpit and deck
Water play