Emily Foord Memorial Kindergarten
Stafford, Brisbane
Emily Foord Kindergarten is one of our favourite kindergartens. As soon as you walk through the gates you enter a place of happiness. The directors have wonderful vision and are always open to suggestions. This playground was designed with interchangeable activities so the kindy can swap the activities around creating new excitement, challenges and adventure for the children. This means that the children stay alert and are never board of their playground.
- Bespoke design
- Timber construction
- Roofed deck
- Softfall under-surfacing
Activities included:
- Large roofed deck
- Slide
- Timber rock wall
- Fire pole
- Shop front
- Cladder bridge
- Net climb
- Interchangeable plank bridge
- Interchangeable hand ropes
- Interchangeable monkey bars
- Interchangeable spider climb
- Cleat rail
- Ladder