Playground Certifications

Bespoke Playgrounds can certify your playground for you, whether it is a playground that we have designed and installed, or it’s a playground that has been designed and installed by another playground designer.

  1. Playground inspection and reporting
    Our qualified certifier inspects the playground and details their findings, including advising of areas of non-compliance.
  2. Repairs and alterations
    Bespoke Playgrounds can complete any necessary playground repairs or alterations, if required.
  3. Certification confirmed
    Once your playground’s compliance with Australian Standards is confirmed, we issue you a Certificate of Compliance.

Does your playground need certification?

Playgrounds should comply with the Australian Playground Standards. Compliance is attained via a process of certification. Our qualified certifier ensures a playground:

Playground certification; it’s part of protecting our future

There are Australian standards covering playgrounds, play equipment, trampolines and indoor playgrounds, including AS/NS 4422, AS/NZ 4486, AS 4685.1-6 and AS 4685.11. The standards are detailed and complex, and carefully designed to increase the safety of our future – our children. For this reason, every playground, regardless of the size or the setting, must be certified as complying with all relevant Australian Playground Standards.

There are rules in the standards about equipment heights and softfall. The surroundings are governed too – overhanging limbs of trees, nearby drainage ditches, proximity to pathways, bikeways and roads — everything is considered.

A playground can only be certified by a certified playground inspector. Scott Walton is a certified Level 1, 2 and 3 Comprehensive Playground Inspector. Having designed, supplied and installed playgrounds since 2006, Scott knows the industry well.

Scott draws on his design, construction and installation experience, and his detailed knowledge of the Australian Playground Standards. He takes his responsibilities seriously and provides clients with the confidence that their playground is certified safe and suitable.